New Article on Infertility
Infertility can be a painful and traumatic experience, but you don't have to go suffer alone! Read more from Dr. Zoldbrod about coping with miscarriage or stillbirth by clicking here.
Dr. Zoldbrod is an Expert in Infertility and Miscarriage
Dr. Zoldbrod is internationally known for her innovative cognitive behavioral interventions with men and women who are dealing with the stresses of infertility and miscarriage. She is the author of Men, Women and Infertility: Intervention and Treatment Strategies (MacMillan, 1993) highly recommended by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and RESOLVE, a national support group for infertility and miscarriage. Dr. Zoldbrod also has published a book on using imagery to deal with the stresses of infertility, called Getting Around the Boulder in the Road (1990). Additionally, Zoldbrod served on the National Board of Directors of RESOLVE for a decade.
Dr. Zoldbrod has lectured all over the US, in Canada, and Australia on her intervention techniques for couples struggling with infertility and miscarriage, to infertility professionals and to consumers. She has been quoted on infertility by many media, including the Boston Globe, The New York Times, Fit Pregnancy, and Shape.
If you are interested in purchasing any of Dr. Zoldbrod’s books, Contact Her Here.
To read reviews of Men, Women and Infertility, Click Here
Getting Around the Boulder in the Road: Using Imagery to Cope with Fertility Problems by Dr. Aline Zoldbrod
Getting Around the Boulder in the Road has been recommended wholeheartedly by National RESOLVE:
“Those who have experienced infertility know all too well the feelings of loss, hopelessness and helplessness. The devastating fear of never and forever can cause usually well- functioning people to feel unable to do anything to comfort themselves. Helping professionals can provide support, information, validation and advice, but there are very few activities they can recommend to help relieve the pain.
This concise pamphlet offers infertile people a method for using mental imagery as an easily understood self-help tool to reduce or modify their distress. Written by a psychologist who specializes in working with infertile people, it begins with a brief review of the emotional aspects of infertility and goes on to describe how people can use their imaginations to take control and regulate their disturbing thoughts and feelings. Dr. Zoldbrod’s explanation of how and why infertility has a different effect on the spontaneous internal images of men and women is clear, concise and accurate and will encourage and comfort the many couples who are confused or frightened by their differences.
Exercises include ways to make disturbing images more benign or positive as well as ways to manage physical pain and anticipate a positive future regardless of fertility outcome….
As a clinical social worker who counsels infertile couples, I welcome this pamphlet as a valuable addition to the ever increasing literature of infertility. Its potential for enhancing the coping abilities of those struggling with infertility is great, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.”
Judith Calica M.S.W., reviewing Boulder in the 1991
RESOLVE National Newsletter
“…Should prove to be a useful resource to physicians who diagnose and treat infertility….(and)
helpful in normalizing feelings and in guiding patients toward a greater sense of emotional control.”
Reviewed in Family Psychologist,
American Psychological Association,
Division 43 Newsletter, Spring, 1991
“… A gem of a book…imagery specifically geared to fertility problems …and easy to adapt the methods in order to deal emotionally with miscarriage…..”
Reviewed by Debbie Anderson
Shattered Dreams Newsletter,
Canada, 1991.
“For years I have worked with women who experience childbearing loss and I have found visualization and guided imagery techniques to be among the most helpful tools for recovery. For my clients, I have searched for just the clear, concise, compassionate guide to these techniques that Dr. Aline Zoldbrod has written. Women struggling with infertility are so wounded and so stressed that they need a personal manual which will teach, reinforce and support the visualization exercises which they may have learned from a counselor or simply discovered on their own. This pamphlet provides both care givers and those dealing with infertility the healing tools which have proven helpful to so many. Bravo to Dr Zoldbrod for documenting and sharing her creative and effective ideas. “
Cathy Romeo, Co-Author, Ended Beginnings: Healing Childbearing Losses
In addition, Boulder has been recommended by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (reviewed in Fertility News June, 1991), Resolve of the Ocean State, Resolve of Puget Sound, Deborah Tennant, editor of Infertility Helper Magazine, Toronto, Canada, The Fertility Sourcebook (M. Rosenthal, l995), All About Eve: The Complete Guide to Women’s Health and Well-Being (Tracy Chutorian Semler, l995), The Infertility Book: A Comprehensive Medical and Emotional Guide (Carla Harkness, l992), Adopting After Infertility (Pat Johnston, l994), Wanting Another Child: Coping with Secondary Infertility (Harriet Simons, 1995), and elsewhere.